40 years experience in international trading.

Altıntepe Mah.,
Bağdat Cad., No:50,
Neşe Apt., 2/5,
34840 İstanbul,



- We can provide logistics services professionally for the following:

- Inland transportation of oil products and then their safe storage in shore tanks

- Tanking & Terminalling at major oil ports

- Chartering suitable CPP & DPP type tankers in the position from closer markets

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of oil products buyers with refineries

CONTRACTUAL MANAGEMENT , full documentation, planning / organization of supply chain, DD (Due Diligence) process and EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction) contracts


- Some administrative , geographical ,financial & shipping / chartering abbreviations we often use in our daily businesses :

- 1H (First Half)
- 2H (Second Half)
- AA (Always Afloat)
- AAAA (Always Accessible Always Afloat)
- ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
- A/C (Account)
- ACV (Annual Contract Value)
- ADA or A/D/A (All details about) -> WOG
- ADCOM (Address Commission)
- A'dam (Amsterdam)
- A/E (Auxiliary Engine)
- AISI (American Iron & Steel Institute)
- ALU (Aluminium)
- API (American Petroleum Institute)
- Approx. (Approximately)
- ARA (Amsterdam Rotterdam Antwerp)
- ARAG (Amsterdam Rotterdam Antwerp Ghent)
- ASP (Any Safe Port)
- ASTM (American Society for Testing & Materials)
- ASWP (Any Safe World Port)
- ATA (Actual Time of Arrival)
- ATB (Authority To Board)
- ATD (Actual Time of Departure)
- ATI (Authority To Inject)
- ATL (Actual Total Loss)
- ATV (Authority To Verify)
- ATS (Authority To Sell)
- ATSC (Authority To Sell & Collect)
- AUT (Automates Machinery Systems)
- AWB (Air Waybill)
- BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor)
- BB (Big Bags)
- BBB (Before Breaking Bulk)
- BBHP (Bareboat Hire Purchase)
- bbl (barrel)   ->1 bbl = 0.16 cbm / 1 bbl = 160 liter / 1 bbl = 42 US gallons
- BC (Bulk Carrier)
- BCEAO (Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest)
  ->Central Bank of West African States - www.bceao.int
- BCL (Bank Comfort / Capability Letter)
- BDMT (Bone Dry Metric Tonnes)
-> Woodchips - BDU (Bone Dry Unit)
- be / BENDS (both ends)
- BG (Bank Guaranty)
- BHP (Brake Horsepower)
- BIK (Bandar Imam Khomeini)
- BIMCO (The Baltic & Int’l Maritime Council)
- B/L (Bill of Lading)
- BLCO (Bonny Light Crude Oil)
- BPD / bpd (barrels per day)
- BRL (Bank Reference Letter)
- BS (British Standards)
- BSI (British Standards Institution)
- B2B (Bank To Bank)
- BV (Bureau Veritas)
- BWTS (Ballast Water Treatment System)
- CAD (Cash Against Documents)
- CAG (Cash Against Goods)
- CapEx (Capital Expenditures)
- CBFT / cbft (Cubic Feet)
- CBM / cbm (Cubic Meter)
- CBT (Clean Ballast Tanks)
- CET (Central European Time)
- CFR / C&F (Cost & Freight)
- CFREE / CHFREE (Charter Free)
- CHABE (Charterer’s Agents Both Ends)
- CI (Commercial Invoice)
- CIF (Cost Freight Insurance)
- CIP (Carriage & Insurance Paid To)
- CIS (Client Information Sheet / Summary) / (Commonwealth of Independent States)
- CJK (Changjiangkou)
- CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
- COA (Certificate of Analysis)
- COA (Contract of Affreightment) -> a certain amount of goods on a certain journey for a certain amount of time on behalf of the charterer ...
- COB (Close of Business)
- COD (Completion of Discharge)
- COF (Certificate of Fitness) -> "Int'l COF for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk" - COLREG (Int’l Regulations for Preventing Collisions At Sea)
- COO (Certificate of Origin)
- COQ (Certificate of Quality)
- COP (Custom of Port)
- COW (Crude Oil Washing)
- CP (Company Profile)
- CP (Charter Party)
- CPA (Charter Party Agreement)
- CPC (Caspian Pipeline Consortium)
- CPP (Clean Petroleum Products)
- CPT (Carriage Paid To)
- CSC (Container Service Charges)
- CSFO (Crude Sunflower Oil)
- CTA (Collateral Transfer Agreement)
- CTL (Constructive Total Loss)
- CQD (Customary Quick Despatch)
- CVC (Consecutive Voyage Charter) -> A type of voyage charter where a vessel is contracted for several consecutive voyages.
- CWB (Canadian Wheat Board)
- D/A or DA (Disbursement Account) -> Free D/A
- DAP (Delivered At Place) / (Diammonium Phosphate)
- DD (Due Diligence) / (Dry Dock)
- DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
- Def Stans (Defence Standards)
- D/G (Diesel Generator)
- Dia (Diameter)
- DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung / German Institute for Standardization)
- DNV (Det Norske Veritas)
- DLC / Doc. L/C (Documentary Letter of Credit)
- DOA (Deed of Agreement)
- DPP (Dirty Petroleum Products)
- DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded)
- DTA (Dip Test Authorization)
- DW (Deadweight)
- DWCC (Deadweight Cargo Capacity) -> DWAT (Deadweight All Told)
- DWT (Deadweight Tonnage)
- EAFR (East Africa)
- ECCA (East Coast Central America)
- ECI (East Coast of India)
- EIU (Even If Used)
- EMED (East Med)
- EOI (Expression of Interest)
- EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction)
- ESPO (Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean) Pipeline “Light” Crude Oil
- ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
- ETD (Estimated Time of Departure)
- EXW (Ex Works)
- FAS (Free Alongside Ship)
- FCA (Free Carrier)
- FCC (First Class Charterers)
- FCL (Full Container Load)
- FCO (Full Corporate Offer)
- FCR (Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt)
- FDD (Freight Demurrage Dead Freight)
- FEU (Forty Equal Unit) container
- FHEX (Fridays & Holidays excepted)
- FI (Free In)
- FILO (Free In Liner Out)
- FIO (Free In & Out)
- FIOS (Free In Out Stowed)
- FIOST (Free In Out Stowed Trimmed)
- FIOT (Free In Out Trimmed)
- FLT (Full Liner Terms)
- FO (Fuel Oil)
- FOB (Free On Board)
- FOC (Flag of Convenience) -> Open Registry
- FOT (Free on Truck)
- FPA (Fee Protection Agreement)
- FPSO (Floating Production Storage & Offloading)
- FSRU (Floating Storage & Regasification Unit)
- FSU (Floating Storage Unit)
- GA (General Average)
- GC (General Cargo)
- GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council)
- GL (Germanischer Lloyd)
- GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
- GO (Gas Oil)
- GOST (Russian Standards)
- GCV (Gross Calorific Value)
- GRT (Gross Registered Tonnage)
- GTC (General Terms & Conditions)
- HA (Hatch)
- HBL (House Bill of Lading)
- HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil)
- HGI (Hardgrove Grindability Index) -> Coal deals
- H/H (Hook to Hook) -> FLT (Full Liner Terms)
- HMAX (Handymax type bulk carrier)
- H&M (Hull & Machinery)
- HMD (Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd.)
- HMS (Heavy Melting Steel)
- HO (Hold)
- HRS (Hard Red Spring) -> US origin Wheat
- HRW (Hard Red Winter) -> US origin Wheat
- HS (Harmonized Commodity Description & Coding System)
- IACS (Int’l Association of Classification Societies)
- ICC (Int’l Chamber of Commerce)-> INCOTERMS-2020
- ICE (Intercontinental Exchange)
- ICPO (Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order)
- ICUMSA (Int’l Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis)
- IFO (Intermediate Fuel Oil)
- IHI (Ishikawajima - Harima Heavy Industries)
- IGS (Inert Gas System)
- IMFPA (Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement)
- IMO (Int’l Maritime Organization)
- INSB (Int’l Naval Surveys Bureau) -> Greek Ship Classification Society
- INTERTANKO (Int’l Association of Independent Tanker Owners)
- IPL (In Port Limits)
- IRDLC (Irrevocable Revolving Documentary Letter of Credit)
- ISO (Int’l Organization of Standardization)
- ISRI (Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries)
- ITOPF (Int’l Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd)
- ITT (Inter Tank Transfer)
- IWL (Institute Warranties Limits)
- JV (Joint Venture)
- JVA (Joint Venture Agreement)
- KMAX (Kamsarmax type bulk carrier) -> max. LOA: 229 m, larger than PMAX, suitable for berthing at the Port of Kamsar (Rep. of Guinea)
- kt / KT (Kilo Ton = 1,000 MT)
- KYC (Know Your Customer / Client)
- L3C (The last 3 cargoes)
- LBP (Length Between Perpendiculars)
- L/C (Letter of Credit)
- LC (Laycan - “Laydays Commence & Cancelling Date”)
- LCL (Less than Container Load)
- LDT (Light Displacement Tonnage) -> Lightweight Tonnage
- LIFO (Liner In Free Out)
/ (Last In First Out)
- LME (London Metal Exchange)
- LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
- LOA (Letter of Appointment) / (Letter of Authority) / (Length Overall)
- LOI (Letter of Intent) / (Letter of Indemnity)
- LOF (Lloyd’s Open Form) -> Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement
- LOU (Letter of Undertaking)
- LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
- LR (Long Range) -> LR1 & LR2 type tankers / (Lloyd's Register)
- LSD (Lashed Secured Dunnaged)
- LTV (Loan-to-Value)
- MARPOL (The Int’l Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships)
- MATB (Marine Authority To Board)
- MCV (Monthly Contract Value)
- MDC (Marina di Carrara)
- MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)
- M/E (Main Engine)
- MED / Med (The Mediterranean Sea)
- MGO (Marine Gas Oil)
- MIH (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)
- MMBL (Multimodal Bill of Lading)
- MOGAS / Mogas (Motor Gasoline)
- MoA (Memorandum of Agreement)
- MOH (Motor Oil Hellas)
- MOLCHOPT / MOLCO (More or Less Charterers Option)
- MOLOO (More or Less Owners Option)
- MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)
- MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity)
- MPP (Multi-Purpose) -> TWD (Tweendecker)
- MR (Medium Range) -> MR1 & MR2 type tankers
- MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
- MT (Metric Ton)
- M/T (Motor Tanker)
- MTC (Mill Test Certificate / Material Test Certificate)
- MTMSA (Marine Terminal Management & Self Assessment)
- MTPQ (Marine Terminal Particulars Questionnaire)
- M/V (Motor Vessel)
- NAABSA (Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground)
- NCNDA (Non-Circumvention Non-Disclosure Agreement)
- NCV (Net Calorific Value)
- NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
- NEP (Northeast Passage) -> NSR
- NG (Natural Gas)
- NGL (Natural Gas Liquids)
- NK ? ClassNK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)
- NKK (Nippon Kokan Kaisha)
- NM (Nautical Mile)-> 1 nm = 1,852 m
- NOC (No Objection Certificate) -> for property transfer
- NOR (Notice of Readiness)
- NSR (Northern Sea Route)
- NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)
- NWE (Northwest Europe)
- NWP (Northwest Passage)
- NYPE (New York Produce Exchange) -> The most widely used standard time charter party in the dry cargo sector.
- OCIMF (Oil Companies Int’l Marine Forum)
- OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- OHBC (Open Hatch Bulk Carrier) or conbulker
- OHBS (Open Hatch Box Shape) bulk carrier
- OMM (Onboard Monitoring Manual)
- OpEx (Operating Expenses)
- OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement)
- OPL (Off Port Limits)
- OTC (Over-the-Counter) -> The OTC Market is where securities trade via a broker-dealer network instead of a centralized exchange.
- p.a. (per annum)
- pbl (per barrel)
- p.d. (per day)
- p/m (per month)
- pmt (per MT - metric ton)
- P&C (Private & Confidential)
- PB / P.B. (Performance Bond)
- PNW (Pacific Northwest)
- PDA (Proforma Disbursement Account)
- P/E (Purchase Enquiry)
- PG (Persian Gulf)
- PI (Proforma Invoice)
- P&I (Protection & Indemnity) -> P&I clubs
- PL (Packing List)
- PMAX (Panamax type bulk carrier)
- PO (Purchase Order)
- POA (Power of Attorney)
- POD (Port of Discharge / Destination)
- POL (Port of Loading)
- POF (Proof of Funds)
- POP (Proof of Product)
- PP (Passport) / (Polypropylene)
- PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- PPOP (Partial Proof of Product)
- Q88 (CV of tankers), sometimes Q88 INTERTANKO document
- Q&Q (Quality & Quantity)
- RAK (Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah)
- RBCT (Richards Bay Coal Terminal)
- REBCO (Russian Export Blend Crude Oil)
- RBU (Reference Base Units) -> sugar deals
- R'dam (Rotterdam)
- R&E (Rolls & Extensions)
- RECAP / Recap (Recapitulation) -> Charterers sign it as “Stem In Order”.
- RFO (Residual Fuel Oil)
- RFQ (Request For Quote / Quotation)
- RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)
- ROI (Return on Investment)
- RON (Research Octane Number) -> Unleaded Gasoline “Mogas”
- RSFO (Refined Sunflower Oil)
- RSVP (repondez s’il vous plait - French for “Please reply”)
- RPM / rpm (Revolutions per minute)
- RS (Russian Maritime Register of Shipping)
- RWA (Ready Willing & Able)
- S2S (Ship To Ship)
- SA / sa (Safe Anchorage)
- SAP (Safe Anchorage Port)
- SB / sb (Safe Berth)
- SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit)
- SBM (Single Buoy Mooring)
- SBT (Segregated Ballast Tanks)
- S&C (Speed & Consumption) -> S&C curves / S&C table
- SCO (Soft Corporate Offer)
- SCOPIC (Special Compensation P&I Clause)
- SD / SID (Single Decker)
- SDBC (Single Decker Bulk Carrier)
- SDWT (Summer Deadweight)
- SF (Stowage Factor) -> In shipping, the Stowage Factor indicates how many cubic metres of space one tonne (or cubic feet of space one long ton) of a particular type of cargo occupies in a hold of a cargo ship. Unit of SF: cbm/MT & cbft/MT
- SG (Sovereign Guaranty)
- SHEX (Sunday & Holidays excepted)
- SHINC (Sunday & Holidays included)
- SMAX (Supramax type bulk carrier)
- SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
- S&P (Sale & Purchase)
- SP / sp (Safe Port)
- SPA (Sale & Purchase Agreement)
- SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)
- SR (Short Range)
- SRC (Sulphate Resistant Cement)
- SRFO (Straight Run Fuel Oil)
- SRW (Soft Red Winter) -> US origin Wheat
- SS (Special Survey)
- SS / STST (Stainless Steel)
- SSHEX (Saturdays Sundays & Holidays Excepted)
- SSHINC (Saturdays Sundays & Holidays Included)
- STEM (Subject to Enough Merchandise - Availability of Cargo) -> “in chartering” sub stem
- STW / Stw (Stowed)
- TBA (To Be Advised / Agreed)
- TBD (To Be Determined / Discussed)
- TBN (To Be Nominated)
- T/C = T/Ch (Time Charter)
- TCT (Time Charter Trip)
- TEU (Twenty Equal Unit) container
- THC (Terminal Handling Charges)
- T/L / TL (Total Loss)
- (The Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution)
- TR (Tank Receipt)
- TS (Term Sheet)
- TSA Tank Storage Agreement)
- TSR (Tank Storage Receipt)
- T/T (Telegraphic Transfer)
- TTM (Table Top Meeting)
- TTO (Tank Take Over) / (Tanker Take Over)
- TTT (Tank To Tank Transfer) / (Tanker To Tanker Transfer)
- TTTIA (Tank To Tank Injection Agreement)
- TTV (Tank To Vessel)
- TTVIA (Tank To Vessel Injection Agreement)
- TWD (Tweendecker) -> MPP (Multi-Purpose)
- UAQ (Emirate of Umm Al Quwain)
- UDTA (Unconditional Dip Test Authorization)
- ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)
- ULSD (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel)
- UMAX (Ultramax type bulk carrier)
- UMS [Unattended Machinery Space(s) ]
- USEC (United States East Coast)
- USGC (United States Gulf Coast)
- US PNW (United States Pacific Northwest)
- USWC (United States West Coast)
- UU (Unless Used)
- UUIWCTAUTC (Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count)
- VC (Voyage Charter)
- VCP (Voyage Charter Party)
- VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)
- VLGC (Very Large Gas Carrier)
- VLSFO (Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil)
- VLSGO (Very Low Sulphur Gas Oil)
- VLSMGO (Very Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil)
- WAFR (West Africa)
- WCCA (West Coast Central America)
- WCCON (Whether Customs Cleared or Not)
- WCI (West Coast of India)
- w/i (within)
- WIBON (Whether In Berth or Not)
- WIFPON (Whether In Free Pratique or Not)
- WIPON (Whether In Port or Not)
- WMED (West Med)
- w/o (without)
- WOG / wog (without guaranty) -> ADA or A/D/A
- WPD (Weather Permitting Day)
- WS (Worldscale) -> An int’l index of freight for tankers. WS is a schedule of freight rates for a standard ship in USD per tonne of oil for an array of oil routes.
- WWD (Weather Working Day)
- YAR (York-Antwerp Rules)